Even if you have heard of the term 'committed to excellence', do you fully understand what it means? The following quote defines what excellence is.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”
Immediately you can see that excellence is a habit, and any habit can be formed. The best way to create a new habit is by setting yourself new goals and creating a plan of attack. Let's see how you can do this.
Understand Your Reason - Your Why
First, you want to define your reasons, or why, for wanting to commit to excellence.
Does this pertain to your business, your family life or for some other reason? If it helps write down your reasons and your why for wanting to achieve this.
For example, if your goal is to be committed to excellence in your professional life for your business or those you serve there are some simple actionable steps that you can put into place. If your business consists of clients or you work with customers, then get into the habit of demanding more from yourself than they do of you.
You can easily please your clients and customers by doing any of the following:
Giving more value
Over delivering
Finishing the work ahead of schedule
Adding in a bonus
Social Media - How Are You Showing Up?
Another way to improve your professional life through excellence is by portraying a professional image on social media.
What does your Facebook profile look like? Is your LinkedIn profile up to date? What photos are you posting on Instagram? How about your TikTok videos? Social media is one simple area to improve upon.
Exceptional Customer Service - All The Time
The highlight of my career as Career Service Director in Higher Education (April 2013).
Customer service is another area where you can offer excellence.
By delivering quality customer service to your clients and your customers you can easily provide excellence. Always respond to complaints in a timely fashion and never get angry at the customer, regardless of the situation.
If you want to excel in your life then you can start by attempting to put forth the best effort you can. If you do this consistently you will have that air of excellence surrounding you.
This will rub off on other people and they will begin to view you in a different light.
Action Item: How will you demonstrate excellence in your life this week?
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