You’ve probably seen positive affirmations across social media, posters, and cards. They’re all over Facebook and Instagram, and they can seem a little cheesy and “woo woo” sometimes. But did you know that positive affirmations can actually be powerful tools for change?
What are Affirmations? How do They Work?
In nutshell, affirmations are the words you say or think. They make up a large part of the dialog we have running in our heads daily.
We all use affirmations (good and bad), though we don’t do it consciously. This opens the door for negative thoughts to run our lives.
Think about the messages that are part of your regular self-talk. Do you have kind, positive, encouraging words in your mind about yourself? Or, does your Inner Critic dominate with harsh words of criticism?
Many of your messages will have been planted during childhood.
Were you encouraged and supported to do your best, or were you told you were lazy, or no good?
“You are going to do great on your spelling test this week! I believe in you.”
“You better practice your spelling words so you don’t flunk like you did last week”
Those words are still affecting you today.
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Whether you have a positive or a negative script running through your mind, those thoughts and beliefs shape your reality.
Negative thoughts feed self-doubt and discourage you from trying to reach your full potential.
If you believe you’re no good at giving presentations, you’re not going to feel confident enough to give it your all.
For example, a grade school teacher told me I would never speak in public because I sometimes stumbled over my words. I believe her until I was in my early 20’s. Here’s a clip where I shared my experience.
Change The Words You Speak.
The good news is that you can change your self-talk by choosing to use positive affirmations to rewire your brain to have a positive mindset.
The process is pretty straightforward if you stick to some basic rules:
1. Always use the present tense. Your brain reacts in the moment, so make that moment as positive as you can.
2. Keep it positive and simple. Saying short, positive phrases like ‘I am calm’ is much more effective than telling yourself, “I mustn’t get upset.’
3. Use repetition. If you repeat your affirmations regularly and consistently, you will strengthen those neural pathways in the brain. Your habitual patterns of thought and belief will become more positive. I recommend speaking your chosen affirmations three times a day for at least five minutes. Morning, during your lunch break, and at bedtime.
Choose to Change your Life
You have the power to choose your life experience. Your life follows your words. Whatever you tell yourself affirms that you want to have more of it in your life.
If you’re angry or resentful, you’re setting yourself up for more of that in your life.
If you’re confident and hopeful, if you expect things to go well, then that’s precisely what will happen.
Please choose to feel good and positive about your life. Using conscious affirmations is a great way to start making those positive changes today.
Ready to get started! I invite you to download a free copy of my Career and Job Search Affirmations! These were written for people who are ready to change careers. Visit for your copy.
Keep me posted on the good things coming into your life!
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