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In my blog entry, Change Your Words, Change Your Life, I discussed why positive affirmations can actually be powerful tools for change.
Did you know that there are some ways you can supercharge your affirmations to make them even more powerful, even transformative?
Say you want to declutter and get better organized. If your affirmation is “I will clean my house and throw out junk every weekend,” how does that make you feel?
There’s a heaviness in the energy of that statement that’s not very motivating. It focuses on the negative aspects of your goal (the need to clean an untidy area and the obligation to do it each weekend) and pushes the goal out into an indefinite future.
You can use these five steps to turn your affirmations around and make them high energy and motivating.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
1. Make your affirmations active
Using active verbs keeps the energy and purpose upbeat and your focus in the present moment. So now your affirmations start with “I am [positive verb] …”
2. Include Positive Emotions
Imagine how you want to feel when you reach your goals. Are you excited? Proud of your accomplishments? Relaxed? Grateful? Your affirmations should make you feel good when you say them out loud.
3. Keep It Short and Sweet
Make your affirmations brief and memorable. Don’t try to be super fancy – use simple words.
4. Stay In The Here And Now
Your affirmations should always be in the present tense. Make sure you use “I am” rather than “I will” statements.
5. Keep it Positive
Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Think of the positive result you want to achieve. No negativity allowed.
6. Switch up Your Affirmations
Make it a habit to change or update your affirmations. Are they working as well as they could be?
In the example above, you could modify it into something genuinely motivational.
Instead of “I will clean my house and throw out junk every weekend,” make it something that will make you feel good.
“I am enjoying giving away items to bring joy to someone else.”
“I am excited when I see my items in my wicker bins.”
“I am joyful when I see my spacious home.
Play around with the words until they feel right for you. Just keep your affirmations in the present, focused on what you want and what feels good.
I recommend repeating your affirmations at least twice daily. I say my affirmations in the morning and at bedtime.
When will you speak your affirmations?
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