When people hear the word “passion” many ideas can come to mind. Some think of romance - it is February you know. Others think of what motivates or drives them.
If you Google the term, the top definition describes passion as a strong and almost uncontrollable emotion.
What are you passionate about? What topic, activity or scenario drives you to that strong and uncontrollable emotion? Cooking? Dancing? Organizing? Teaching? Travel?
We feel disconnected if our passions aren’t tied into how we’re living our daily lives.
Could it be you’re unhappy with your current career path because your passions aren’t being addressed? You have a longing need that is unmet? A burning desire that isn’t quenched?
Here are a few questions to help uncover your passion. Get a pen and paper and write your answers. They are clues and will shine light on your personal life. Your personal life impacts your career journey.
What do you do for play?
When do you have the most fun?
What thrills you?
What takes you out of yourself?
When do you lose all sense of time?
What prevents you from showing or expressing who you truly are?
How could you give the world a piece of yourself?
What will it take to bring more passion and enthusiasm to your life?
Spend time and reflect on your answers.
Who you are shines through when you connect your passion and what matters to you!