On June 25, 2014 at 8:58am I completed a journey started in 2011.
I didn’t know what the end would look like. I surely didn’t think it would look like me wearing a satin sleeping bonnet, pajamas and listening to the Jackson’s 5 “Never Can Say Goodbye” as I clicked submit on my computer.
What was this journey? I started a graduate program that would help me navigate the next phase of my professional life. The first phase wasn’t my choice, but something I stumbled upon and grew to like.
I believe when God wants you to take a new path He’ll let you know. He did that and I went back to school.
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself then make a change.
Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash
Love Never Felt So Good
“When people show you who they really are, believe them” is my favorite wisdom gem from the late Dr. Maya Angelou. I’ve been blessed by cheerleaders and sister/friends who’ve stood by my side.
I also became aware of those who only saw me as stepping stone to their happiness.
Moving forward I have a clear vision of what categories people should be placed in.
Thankful for my circle, the others can just “Beat It.”
The Lady In My Life
As I complete my degree, I broke up with the man I was dating at the time. I don’t have ill will toward him and am thankful for his contribution to my journey.
He encouraged me when I struggled and offered sound advice when he saw I was overwhelmed.
He influenced me to take my last course in May 2014 as opposed to taking two classes in January 2014.
“Chandra, you’ll participate in Commencement this Fall either way. Pace yourself, don’t take on too much.”
He texts me from time to time, but that door is closed. I don’t “Wanna Be Startin' Somethin.”
After I submitted my project, I was notified on June 28, 2014 that my degree had been awarded! I was over the moon.
Two weeks later I took time for myself. I flew with a friend to Orlando where I did as little as possible. I relaxed in the jacuzzi, read a non-textbook and pampered myself.
This “PYT” needed some TLC.
Photo by Joseph Kellner on Unsplash
Remember The Time
Years from now my grandchildren will ask where I was when I learned of Michael Jackson’s untimely death.
I’ll tell them I was sitting at a red light in my state’s capital when I heard it on the radio. My friend (in the car in front of me) stuck her head out the window and screamed “Michael died!”
However I’ll follow up with how I celebrated his 5th anniversary in Heaven by creating a legacy for our family.
I submitted my Capstone project for my Master of Arts in Industrial Organizational Psychology.
Because of Granny and HER-story, they will never wear the title “1st Generation College Graduate.”
I’d say that’s a “Victory” - wouldn’t you?
What is YOUR favorite Michael Jackson song? I’d love to know.